
 Livret des résumés

01 - A story of a frog, a fungus and some bacteria: Microbiome mediated colonisation resistance via siderophore production
       Christos Paschalidis

02 - ADME-Tox department– Illkirch
       Claire Bourban

03 - Aptamer-based targeted therapeutic approach in sepsis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation
       Maeva Martin

04 - Biocidal Components of Essential Oils for Datura Weed Control
       Lauriane Lenen

05 - Bioherbicide: Evaluation of the antigerminative potential of Hypholoma fasciculare
       Louis Singer

06 - Dereplication analysis of an antiplasmodial extract from Combretum aculeatum
       Louis Leclercq

07 - Development of a vaccinal approach based on the delivery of messenger RNA
       Zayneb Tebib

08 - Development of an automated system in a complex environment to study the influence of the group on the personality of mice
       Gloria Pouit

09 - Development of miniaturized microbiological assays using capillary cytometry
       Léa Blondé

10 - High-throughput screening by fluorescence polarization to discover specific inhibitor of Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX2)
       Romain Hany

11 - Lipid coated UpConverting NanoParticles for Single Particle Tracking
       Ruifang Su

12 - MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry: a versatile tool for analyzing biomolecules, polymers and microorganisms
       Delphine Garnier

       Clémence Hubsch

14 - Metal-catalyzed amide reduction for the synthesis of non-natural basic amino acids and their use in SPPS
       Séverine Schneider

15 - Optical control of Piezo1 channels
       Melaine Balcon

16 - Optimization and delivery of a targeted reactivation system for a tumor suppressor gene in gastric cancer cells
       Charlène Sueur

17 - PCBIS : from research tools to drug candidates
       Christel Valencia

18 - Rational design of cyanine-based fluorogenic dimers for background-free imaging of GPCRs in living cells
       Océane Flores

19 - Remodeling the immune microenvironment with microRNAs to sensitize head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
       to immunotherapies
       Ronan Bernede

20 - Synthesis of 2,3-benzoxazepin-4-one as an original CyclON through a double SN1 pathway
       Lydia Ouadfel

21 - Synthesis of lipid analogues carrying blue light sensitive photoremovable group and luminol derivative: toward application
       of anti-cancerous drug release on nanoparticle using CRET assisted photolysis
       Maxime Klimezak

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