
Thank you to all the speakers and participants for making these days such a success.



Plenary conferences
followed by a debate and a cocktail

Monday May 27th - 14:00

« One Health »

Simonin's portrait

One Health concept: Example of a holistic approach to study arboviruses in Burkina Faso and France.

by Prof. Yannick Simonin

  • Leader of NERVE group
  • PCEEI unit, INSERM, Montpellier University
Tisser's portrait

Biodiversity is rooting for One Health: how can we prevent global change from altering the capacity of ecosystems to supply essential nutrients for human and animal health?

by Dr. Mathilde Tissier

  • CNRS researcher at IPHC, Université de Strasbourg
  • Associate professor at Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada
Vagneron's portrait

One Health, an opportunity for a new historical narrative on medicines? The case of antibiotics.

by Dr. Frédéric Vagneron

  • Assistant professor in History of Medicine and Health
  • SAGE, Strasbourg

Young scientists conferences

Monday May 28th - 9:00

Preziosi's portrait

Infinite-layer nickelates: beyond the happy-end.

by Dr. Daniele Preziosi

  • Researcher at « Institut de physique et chimie des matériaux », Strasbourg

Tuesday May 29 - 9h

Roche's portrait

Single-cell approaches to study bacterial pathogenesis.

by Dr. Béatrice Roche

  • Researcher at Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg
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