We are pleased to announce this year's winners::
Carla Faivre, Lucille Weiss, Maxime Klimezak, and Christos Paschalidis
🗣 Best talks
- Lucille Weiss
- A deep-red fluorogenic antimicrobial peptide for rapid wash-free staining and detection of bacteria
- Carla Faivre
- (E, E)-Farnesol and myristic acid-loaded lipid nanoparticles overcome colistin resistance in Acinetobacter baumanii
📜 Best posters
- Maxime Klimezak - CASDEN prize
- Synthesis of lipid analogues carrying blue light sensitive photoremovable group and luminol derivative: toward application of anti-cancerous drug release on nanoparticle using CRET assisted photolysis
- Christos Paschalidis
- A story of a frog, a fungus and some bacteria: Microbiome mediated colonisation resistance via siderophore production